There are so many special things about this photograph- first of all Shelly Corbett is the creator and she’s an amazing woman. She’s able to capture so much more than a toy. For me, this holds wonderful memories of my childhood. It brings me to the days when my dad would bring home my mom, my brother and I the best chocolate heart boxes. Years ago the packaging was made so much better than what we see in the stores today. My Dad would get my Mom the best one and it was huge, till this day I haven’t seen one as big as the ones he found for her. They were all crafted so beautifully, with such fine ribbons and detail. The chocolate was decadent and this is when my love for marzipan started!
My parents used to make every holiday so special that I felt like we were celebrating all the time. Shellys photograph holds dear to me so many memories of my Mom and Dad.
Thank you so much Shelly for capturing a moment in my life that I can cherish and see through this image. This is what is so magical about artwork -the artist creates it from their own soul and experiences then puts it out in the world for the viewer to create their own interpretation. I am truly in awe of toy photography and all its magic.
There is not one Valentine’s Day that I don’t think about my Dad and those beautiful chocolate boxes. I now have Shellys artwork hung on my wall to remind me of his spirit, generosity and thoughtfulness everyday.
When I originally wrote this post I got myself The Toy Photography Year book for Valentine's Day, I know my father would approve.
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