I know what you are thinking....Why is a jewelry artist talking about Paleo recipes, well its because I am very passionate about what I eat and staying healthy in order to make art and live a happy life! So along with sharing art I like to share good eating habits and recipes.
I discovered Elana Amsterdam's blog Elana's pantry many many years ago- she was the first gluten free blog out there using a small amount of ingredients to make amazing gluten free desserts. She also has several cookbooks, all of which I own. Then 7 years ago she wrote about the paleo diet. She was doing a giveaway for a cookbook written by Sarah Fragoso "Everyday Paleo" I ordered it right away and still use it often! This method of eating really resonates with me and has changed my life.
Thank you Elana for your years of recipes!! Oh and not to mention the Paleo diet also got me inspired to join crossfit (at 40) I stuck with it for 3 years- I have to get back to it but to start back up feels like trying to catch up to a speeding train...someday! For now I will eat healthy, exercise and jump on the trampoline with my son to stay fit :)
Like I mentioned Elana has a lot of delicious recipes but sticking with the theme of my LEGO food charms here is a great lime popsicle recipe
Paleo gluten free eats is a website I recently discovered and they have an amazing pretzel recipe
Hope you give it a shot! Leave me a comment and let me know : )
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