I can remember important advice I got when I had my first website back in 1999. "Use your own name as your website address". Many things have come and gone since then and I am glad I took that advice. This website created with shopify will be my 4th website design I have had for JacQueline Sanchez Jewelry Designs.
A very special thanks goes out to the very talented Sarah Aagesen of Four S Creative for all her amazing lifestyle photography and all the beautiful and sweet models that Sara found who were willing to get paid in jewelry! I am very grateful to you all- Eva, Lauren, Jayme, and Sandra. Thank you for all your hard work! I am excited my son Gianni and the amazing man behind it all my hubby-Jose Sanchez were also included among the models used...they however only got paid in ice-cream and love.
I want to thank my brilliant jewelry photographer Cole Rodger. She has photographed my work for over 10 years. I remember the very day I met her at the American Craft Council show. Her photographs have created much success for my work. Thank you Cole and your lovely husband who creates all my color choices!! I couldn't do this without you both!
Thank you to the patient web developer Mike Gordon of Port 80 Design in Canada. You get the most patient award of the century! Thank you for all your hard work and waiting for me through the whole process. I am very grateful!!
So thankful to have a forever best friend who knows me inside and out- The clever Lily Li, a beautiful wordsmith and amazing soul! Thank you for all your hours of research and hard work writing all of my content!!
Thank you so much Jane Pellicciotto, skilled Graphic Designer, Painter and Jewelry artist of Allegro Designs for your insight and design of my beautiful homepage and all your advice along the way. Your support has saved me in more ways than you know!
Please support me by leaving a comment and tell me what you think. If you would like to place an order I am offering free shipping on all orders within the United States. For the folks outside of the country, a free gift with be sent with your order.
Rebecca Gilson on Nov 13, 2017
Your work never ceases amazing me! I know this was a labor of love and it turned out every bit as amazing as you are! I always love wearing your work, it reminds me of my beautiful friend who is so thoughtful, talented and appreciative!
Laura Sciortino on Nov 09, 2017
Beautiful new site! In a world where playfulness, elegance, and good design all-to-rarely find harmony, your work is a breath of fresh air. Keep the creation going, JacQ! I would love to go to Denmark one day with my Lego fanatic son and explore the whole brick world and see your pieces in the boutique across the street!